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Legal Form Incorporated as a Private Limited Liability Company under the Companies Act No. 17 of 1982 on October 04, 1982 and converted to a Public Company on 16th December 1989 and Re- registered Under the Companies Act No.07 of 2007 on 8th April 2008. The Company is registered under the Finance Companies Act No.78 of 1988 ( Repealed with New Finance Business Act No 42 of 2011). The Company is registered under the Finance Leasing Act No. 56 of 2000.
New Registration Number (Under the Companies Act No.07 of 2007) PB 269 PQ
Place of Incorporation Kandy, Sri lanka
Registered Office NO. 106, YATINUWARA VEEDIYA, KANDY
Telephone/Fax No 081-2000000 / 081-2234390
Credit Rating BBB - Positive Outlook (LRA)
E-mail [email protected]
Website https://www.cclk.lk
Chairman Mr. G.B. Egodage
Chief Executive Officer Mr. R.S. Egodage
Board of Directors Mr. G.B. Egodage (Chairman / Non-Executive Director)
Mr. R.S. Egodage (Executive Director)
Ms. G.R. Egodage (Executive Director)
Mr. P.S.R.C. Chitty (Executive Director)
Mr. L.L.S. Wickramasinghe (Senior Director/ Independent Non-Executive Director)
Ms. T.M.L. Paktsun (Independent Non Executive Director)
Ms. G.A.M. Edwards (Independent Non Executive Director)
Mr. F.A.P.L. Solbani (Non-Executive Director)
Mr. W.D. Barnabas (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Dr. Janaki Kuruppu (Independent Non Executive Director)
Business Licence Issued by CBSLBusiness Licence Issued by CBSL